Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday night at the office...

Yes, I said it. I am at the office. I have approx 7 minutes to type. And, not really anything much to say.
Why am I at the office, well- code push. Not exciting, nor glamorous. But, this is what I do about 2 times a month. I leave at 6 30, go work out..grab dinner and come back. Last time I was here till almost 2 AM. Tonight, I am praying for more of an 11:45 exit. However, that is not based on me. Sad, I know.

Ok- maybe I should say this. Why do I not WANT to go to church these days? Well, I havent been for several months, and dont have a place I call "home." Yes, this is the same Megan Eads you knew for years folks, just older, and well, just older.

Going to church as a single is NOT the same folks! If you are fresh out of college, sure, no problem. But a well aged career gal like myself, not so much. You are surrounded by folks who have community established in a church body because they started at age 4 and never left,they joined fresh out of collegs, and more often than not, have a family of their own. To attend church you have to get up the courage to sit alone, and be social. Getting out there is tough folks. So pray me through it. Or push me, or pull me- whatever works!

I know I need to be there, and have VERY good excuses to not attend these days. So, who is up for a challenge?


Kristen said...

Hey Friend, I don't have an answer, but I wanted to acknowledge that I heard you. :-)

Joy Bezner said...

Hey, SCHMEGAN! Why, exactly do you have to go back to work? I missed that.....

As for the church thing, I know that is tough. I'm the second first lady at our church, am married, have two kids, but I still have to psych myself up every Saturday night due to having the "I don't want to go" attitude. But I'm pushing you anyway. Consider yourself virtually pushed. You have a lot to offer and God has a spot that only you can fill. Go on and get back out there! I'm cheering you on!

Keepin' Up with the Joneses said...

I will push/pull you to my church out in Utah. I have tried to be a christ-follower on my own and I must say I was not real successful. Come'on Megan. Do I need to sing you a Perfect Peace song about it? =) Love you girl. jj

Robyn said...

you know i'll be your cheerleader....or cheerleader sponsor if you need one ;). you have tons of courage...i mean ...not many people have the courage and tenacity to run marathons. trust me, i know its hard...i do...but know you are strong and courageous. promise, i'm not trying to sound cheesy.

Anonymous said...

Hello! I saw the link to this blog on your Facebook page and when I read this, I just had to comment! I can definitely relate. There are times I really want to go to church and times (more accurately, long seasons) when I just have no desire to go at all. Just wanted to say that I completely understand!