Sunday, January 4, 2009


Ok- so clearly 2008 was a bust in the world of blogging. So, I have a new idea.

Accountability. Yes, so if you are reading this, you too will be held responsible for my success and/or failure of the following goals;

1. Lose weight...yes- we all say this- I wil not bore you with the specifics. More or less, I need my clothes to fit again, so this is really for economic reasons, right?

2. Break 29 min in a 5K. I have never really RACED one since I started running- so this may need to be re-evaluated here in a few weeks.

3. Break 5 hours in a marathon. 6 Min over is my close!! hope to do Chicago this year- just waiting to figure out when registration is!! if you know- please share!

4. Break 2:15 in 1/2 marathon. Best is 2:18.

5. Church/fellowship- just something. Baby steps folks, baby steps.

1. boot camp- M T W TH morning
2. Speed trainign T TH evenings
3. Long runs- probably sunday mornings......starting around 5 miles this week ( that is the GOAL!!)
4. No fried food.
5. Lots of water.

Ok-so there you have it. You know know the goals- and are a PART of the plan :)
Whats on your list?


Keepin' Up with the Joneses said...

Good list. As for mine...still working on it but here are a few:
1. Have habits worthy of Parker-mimicking (he already knows that the remote control should be pointed to the TV...not something I am proud of!)
2. Exercise 3 times a week.
3. Learn what it means to be a good friend. I have been struggling with my girl friendships ever since I moved to Utah and so I decided this year, instead of complaining or getting hurt, I will learn how to be a good friend (maybe do some studying on the subject).

Keep me accountable!

Unknown said...

you so don't need to lose weight! :)

I hate 5ks!!!! :) FYI! So you good for you!

You rock Meads and I think you are very inspiring and I still think you need to write about NYC!

Going to bed and praying for you tonight. You ahve such a sweet heart and I pray God blesses you BIG TIME this year!