Sunday, May 17, 2009
5 for 5
this title is not in reference to an arby's special.
I am proud to say I made it to bootcamp 5 days in a row last week. That means, getting up at 4:30 AM...going to work out at a session of bootcamp.
These are always fantastic workouts! I even made it on friday for the PT test. I have historically skipped the PT test for several months, but hopefully am becoming addicted to the test now...just to see results.
What is the PT test you ask?
2 min of push ups. TOES folks, on TOES, no resting on knees...etc
2 min of sit ups...
2 mile run
Here is the chart:
Grand total of :
The goal is to get 100 points per area. for a whopping 300!!
Ironically, when I took the test in the past I did better on the pushups- I think my counter last time let me get away with a few less than good pushups! I was glad to see my run speed has improved, and I even walked some of it??? how is that possible. oh. I am SLOW...that is how. always room for improvement, right?
So, tomorrow we go at it again! 2 more full weeks of bootcamp. Then I will be mixing it up. MWF bootcamp, and tuesday thursday, all runnning! trainig for chicago officially starts 5/31/09.
now, if I could only get my eating under
For those who read, hold me accountable to take the next PT test and see how I do!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
he told me he'd meet me
I am going to make an effort to NOT make every post about my singleness and all that it entails (0r doesn't). But, today was probably the most difficult mothers day for me. Never did I think I would dread this day to the degree I did today. I fought and lost a few, but won most battles with tears this morning and last night. Through the day I was determined to be happy. I had to choose it.
Most who read this know that music has always been a part of my life. more so back in the high school and college days, but it still lingers. I am admittedly a car singer, and am not ashamed.
That being said, I recently swapped out the 6 cds in my car for a new set of random music. You will find anything from musicals, country, old school christian music, etc. For some reason (providence I am sure), I pulled out a sons and daughters CD from the late 90s. They are now known as Watermark. There was a song that hit me: Welcome to Deleware.
well its bitter cold december, and the leaves have all fallen true, and I do belive I'm still in love with you.
well I've settled here, and that it that , you have shown me who I am . You had to take me place that I'd never been.
Well we headed to where it seemed like no where, you told me you'd meet me, you told me you'd meet me here.
And your here to say- "WELCOME TO DELAWARE- I know you've traveled far, and its a lot colder here thatn what your used to. And I know, that in the wintertime, things aren't what they used to be- but all you really have here now, is Me."
Man-it is cold and lonely where I am right now. No lie. But, I have a renewed hope that He WILL meet me here. He brought me to this place for a reason, and will bring me through this season as well. 5 years ago I was going though a very rough time and never thought I would escape that period. I did, and am grateful it all happened. I learned more about myself, my friends and family back then.
Looks like He wants me to learn something more.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Mavs/urban assault
Kinda. I am exhausted and have a horrible headache from sreaming and whatnot. Turned out to be a good game with a nightmare of an ending. Ug.
I felt compelled to post again as my last one was a bit depressing. Not too much has changed really. I had a decent week. Played in the compay golf tournament, and had a few good moments:
- won the womens long drive contest ( there were less than 10 of us)
- won an xbox 360 in a raffle
- birdied a par 3 all by myself!!
Tonight I grabbed a drink with a friend. It was relatively fun. However they definietly have more drama in their dating life than I do. And none of it great, but I find myself kinda jealous. pathetic I know. Hey, at least I am honest :)
My next item:
A friend may have convinced me to participate in this event. Why am I already scared?
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I wish I could tell you 17 good reasons why my week was bad. Like, I was sick, I locked my keys in my car, I lost my job, etc. But I have none of those to hang my " funk " on.
I have a few ideas of what could be causing it, but am not sure any 1 can be fixed soon, or at all.
I am beginning to realize how alone I really am. Not looking for pity here, but this is just a fact. I have very few friends, tons of acquaintences, but very few real friends. Not one person knows everything about me. That is by design. I don't really like who I am these days. I am sad, and quick to tears, and I can't explain why.
I think I am starting to hold the weight of my families future on my shoulders. More discussions that I want to admit have dealt with "when that happens" kinda topics. My role and knowledge around that subject is greater than I ever wanted. However, as the single one, it has fallen on me. I don't want it, but can't say that as it will bring disappointment and frustration to others. I would rather deal with the stress myself than bring any more stress to others.
My lack of "social" as my dad would call it is also slightly below depressing, and rapidly dropping. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents a ton, I really do. I am over there a great deal, and am grateful to be able to help them with random things from computer issues to vaccuuming. I rarely have anything worth discussing with them, other than work. I was asked this past week if I had had any "social"( This was on thrusday night). I thought, OF COURSE NOT. I was here with yall on Monday, Wednesday, and here again Thurday.
Many times it is my own choice to go over there, as it is better than going home and being alone with my thoughts. So, I don't want it to seem like this is all because they ask, and I refuse to say no. It is becoming more apparent to me, even as a I type that I go in an effort to avoid being alone with my thoughts. It is an escape mechanism. But what am I escaping?
This weekend has shown me how sad things are. Friday night, I picked up fast food, and took tylenol pm to help me 7:00PM. I was in bed until 12:30 today. I got up and went to meet my friend to watch the mavericks game. That killed 4 hours. Then, back to the drive thu and home again. My only plans for Sunday include sleeping in, going to dog park, and hopefully the driving range. That is it. My life consists of 1 very good friend, my parents, and my dog.
wow. this is not where i thought I would be at 33.
Monday, April 6, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Outpatient does not mean easy....

I went to the doc, and was asked almost immediately if I had ever broken my nose. Initially I said no. Then I began to very vividly remember slipping in preschool when in the bathroom. I had worn my new Sunday school shoes- and busted my lip and nose pretty good. But back in the day- the x-ray didn't show much. So, we pressed on....for 30 years :) Fast forward.

The blessed procedure was last Thursday. Little miss optimistic me decided I would officially take through Monday off, but would likely be ready to work again by Monday. Silly me.
We got to the hospital at 5 am for a 7 15 procedure.Seemed normal, however not everyone on the case heard the fun started at 10:15, and we didn't leave the hospital till almost 5 that evening. While in the surgery the doc confirm that I did break it...when I was 4 and had a bone spur as well just to add in some spice. So, I gave him a challenge. Here I am on sunday....
My family has been key though this process. Erin took the day off to hang with me- and then I have been staying at my grandmothers place ever since. Going on day/night 4 here. She is FANTASTIC!! She has waited on me hand and foot. All meals brought me in bed. (which have included Lima beans, pureed potato soup, tomato soup, mac and cheese, jello and pudding!!)Drawn baths for me, done my laundry and fresh drinks every couple of hours!. I have not been the most energetic guest, as I promptly take some pain killers every 6 hours! She is the greatest 93 year old nurse you could EVER imagine!!!
So, I am not necessarily in PAIN, but very uncomfortable. Best way to describe it is the worst head cold ever, where your nose is running all the time, but you cannot even begin to consider blowing your nose. All this since Thursday, and till next Thursday. Then the 2nd part of the fun happens. I think the Internet has been less than encouraging for this part of the process. I think I will request to be put under for the "unpacking" process, but doubt it will happen. So, please start praying as I am very scared about that!!
I will try to post an update after thursday. I am more of a yellow today, much improved over the black an purple.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Just cause I have to..

Ok, so I have had mixed emotions about blogging about my evening last night. ( out of fear that my parents will read this) Then after more thought, I realized there is nothing to hide, in fact, I hope they see.
So, as my active single social life goes, I spend many Friday nights with my parents. Last night was no different. I left work, went to the house to pick up Lucy, and we went to the dog park. Beautiful evening, and she had a blast. She was exhausted when we got home. (Lucy is my puppy, but lives with my folks. I have full custody of her and can steal her at will).
Ok- now that we have that out of the way. So, I get back to my folks and begin the chatting it up like normal. We talk work, current family events, etc. Nothing out of the ordinary. Around 10 or so, something was said that struck a cord with me- so I was not able to hold my tounge and talked back. Details are not pertinant to the story. So, after many tears (mine, not my parents), laughs and what not, I left at 12:45 AM.
Yes, 12:45 AM folks- can you believe it? Press on.
During that time learned many things:
- how my dad gave up on women
- how my mom and dad met and how he "proposed" - (it is s stretch...but it worked)
- how rough the first few months of marriage were for my folks- mom losing a kidney, no job, got a job, ice storm, bus ride, new car, new house with dog ( then 2.. the legacy live on in Lucy #6)
- how my grandad was a rebel ( explains a lot about me!)
- how my grandmothers house was flooded, but a great picture was saved!
I also left and had the realization that my parents are some of my very best friends. They love me and my sisters and their families with the perfectly flawed love they have. They care for my precious 93 year old grandma in a way that would make my grandad very proud.
I also left a bit fearful. I am scared I am going to lose them. Their health is not the best, and I cannot fix it for them. They attend doctors appointments at least 1 time a week it seems.
Not only would lose them, but the idea of them not being a part of my future breaks my heart. I want them to know and love the man I marry (still shopping folks, recommendations are welcomed). I want to see my dad rock my baby. I want some of the memories my sisters have had with my parents, is that too much to ask? Am I jealous of them, sure. But, I also know that I have been given the opportunity to know them in a way that they have not. And for that I am truly grateful.
Ok, need to stop before tears come back. I am fresh out!
But, mom and dad, if you stumble across this, know that I love you both dearly and thank you for what you have taught me over the years. I pray that I have some how made you proud with the not so perfect life I have lived thus far.